How do I control the spacing and font size for my plot legend?

Mathematica Asked on July 14, 2021

I have a Manipulate-based figure in which I’d like to place a compact legend in the upper left corner (within the figure’s frame). But by default, the items in the legend are spaced too far apart, and have a font that’s too big (and different from the font used for the axes and other labels):

enter image description here

How do I control the spacing and font size for my plot legend? I’ve tried all the answers I’ve found here that seem relevant, but I fear that even if I hit on the potentially right one, it isn’t clear where to apply the solution in the context of my code.

Ideally, I’d like a solution that simplifies the code as a whole, or at least doesn’t make it more complex. I’ve long passed the point I often reach in Mathematica where I think: “I should have just done this in Python!”

sigmoid[z_]:= E^z/(E^z+1)
relu[z_]:=Max[{0, #}]&/@z

        Plot[{E^z/total},  {z, -rng, Log[saturation*total](*==rng*)},  PlotRange->{{-rng, rng},  {0, prng}}, 
            PlotLegends->Placed[{StringForm["Softmax (`1`%)", NumberForm[saturation*100, {3, 1}]]}, {Left, Top}], PlotStyle->Blue, 
            Epilog->{Text[Style[N[E^rng/total, 4]], {rng+.3,  E^rng/total}, {-0.5, 0}]}], 
        Plot[{sigmoid@z},  {z, -rng, rng},  PlotRange->{{-rng, rng},  {0, prng}}, 
            PlotLegends->Placed[{"Sigmoid"}, {Left, Top}],  PlotStyle->Orange], 
        Plot[{relu@z}, {z, -rng, rng}, PlotRange->{{-rng, rng},  {0, prng}}, 
            PlotLegends->Placed[{"ReLU"}, {Left, Top}], PlotStyle->Purple], 
        Plot[{softplus@z}, {z, -rng, rng}, PlotRange->{{-rng, rng},  {0, prng}}, 
            PlotLegends->Placed[{"Softplus"}, {Left, Top}], PlotStyle->Green]
    }, FrameLabel->{"z", "a(z)"}, AxesOrigin->{-rng, 0}, Frame->True, 
    Prolog->{GrayLevel[.95], Line[{{0, 0}, {0, prng}}],  Dashed,  Line[{{-rng, 1.0}, {rng, 1.0}}]}, 
    PlotRangeClipping->False, ImagePadding->{{Automatic, 45}, {Automatic, Automatic}}], 
    {{rng, 5,  "Logit (z) range"}, 1, 10}, 
    {{saturation,  1, "Logit concentration"}, 1, 1/n, 0.001}, (* Activation,  a(z),  fraction in highest *)
    {{n, 10, "Classes (has no effect)"}, 1, 50, 1,  Visible->False}, 
    {{prng, 1.1, "Activation (a) scale range"}, 1.0, 2*rng}]

2 Answers

you can specify the position and other options of the elements in PlotLegends. you can read the rules in the legends placement section here

here is an example of your code with fonts ,color,position and spacing modified. I was not able to avoid the "{ }" around the text though, maybe someone else will tell explain it to us

sigmoid[z_] := E^z/(E^z + 1)
relu[z_] := Max[{0, #}] & /@ z
softplus[z_] := Log[1 + E^z]

Manipulate[total = E^rng/saturation;
 Show[{Plot[{E^z/total}, {z, -rng, 
    PlotRange -> {{-rng, rng}, {0, prng}}, 
    PlotLegends -> 
        Style[StringForm["Softmax (`1`%)", 
          NumberForm[saturation*100, {3, 1}]], Blue, 7]]}, {{0.11, 
        0}, {0, -5.6}}], PlotStyle -> Blue, 
    Epilog -> {Text[
       Style[N[E^rng/total, 4]], {rng + .3, E^rng/total}, {-0.5, 
        0}]}], Plot[{sigmoid@z}, {z, -rng, rng}, 
    PlotRange -> {{-rng, rng}, {0, prng}}, 
    PlotLegends -> 
     Placed[{Text[Style[{"Sigmoid"}, Italic, Orange, 7]]}, {{0.11, 
        0}, {0, -5.2}}], PlotStyle -> Orange], 
   Plot[{relu@z}, {z, -rng, rng}, 
    PlotRange -> {{-rng, rng}, {0, prng}}, 
    PlotLegends -> 
     Placed[{Text[Style[{"Relu"}, Italic, Purple, 7]]}, {{0.11, 
        0}, {0, -5}}], PlotStyle -> Purple], 
   Plot[{softplus@z}, {z, -rng, rng}, 
    PlotRange -> {{-rng, rng}, {0, prng}}, 
    PlotLegends -> 
     Placed[{Text[Style[{"SoftPlus"}, Italic, Red, 7]]} , {{0.11, 
        0}, {0, -4.7}}], PlotStyle -> Green]}, 
  FrameLabel -> {"z", "a(z)"}, AxesOrigin -> {-rng, 0}, Frame -> True,
   Prolog -> {GrayLevel[.95], Line[{{0, 0}, {0, prng}}], Dashed, 
    Line[{{-rng, 1.0}, {rng, 1.0}}]}, PlotRangeClipping -> False, 
  ImagePadding -> {{Automatic, 45}, {Automatic, Automatic}}], {{rng, 
   5, "Logit (z) range"}, 1, 
  10}, {{saturation, 1, "Logit concentration"}, 1, 1/n, 
  0.001},(*Activation,a(z),fraction in highest*)Delimiter, {{n, 10, 
   "Classes (has no effect)"}, 1, 50, 1, 
  Visible -> False}, {{prng, 1.1, "Activation (a) scale range"}, 1.0, 

enter image description here

Answered by Alucard on July 14, 2021

sigmoid[z_] := E^z/(E^z + 1)
relu[z_] := Max[{0, #}] & /@ z
softplus[z_] := Log[1 + E^z]

Manipulate[total = E^rng/saturation;
 Plot[{ConditionalExpression[E^z/total, -rng <= z <= Log[saturation total]], 
   sigmoid@z, relu@z, softplus@z}, {z, -rng, rng}, 
  PlotRange -> {{-rng, rng}, {0, prng}}, AxesOrigin -> {-rng, 0}, 
  Frame -> True, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Orange, Purple, Green}, ImageSize -> 500, 
  PlotRangeClipping -> False, PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, 
  ImagePadding -> {{Automatic, 45}, {Automatic, Automatic}}, 
  Epilog -> {Text[Style[N[E^rng/total, 4]], {rng + .3, E^rng/total}, {-0.5, 0}], 
    GrayLevel[.9], Line[{{0, 0}, {0, prng}}], Dashed, 
    Line[{{-rng, 1.0}, {rng, 1.0}}]}, FrameLabel -> {"z", "a(z)"}, 
  PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend[Automatic, 
    {StringForm["Softmax (`1`%)", NumberForm[saturation*100, {3, 1}]], 
    "Sigmoid", "ReLU", "Softplus"}, 
  "Spacings" -> {.5, .1}, LabelStyle -> 16], {Left, Top}]], 
 {{rng, 5, "Logit (z) range"}, 1, 10}, 
 {{saturation, 1, "Logit concentration"}, 1, 1/n, 0.001}, 
 {{n, 10, "Classes (has no effect)"}, 1, 50, 1, Visible -> False},
 {{prng, 1.1, "Activation (a) scale range"}, 1.0, 2*rng}]

enter image description here

Note: You can use LegendLayout -> (Grid[##, Spacings -> {.5, .1}, Alignment -> Left] &) instead of "Spacings" -> {.5,.1} on macOS to avoid red syntax highlighting.

Answered by kglr on July 14, 2021

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