Modelling transparent boundary conditions on a three-bonded quantum graph

Mathematica Asked by zanhesl on July 24, 2021

I’ve created two issue last year, but unfortunately was able to return to this problem only now.

This question is a continue to this issue.

Essentially I am now trying to apply a solution from the question above to three-bonded star graph (I am trying to apply method, suggested by @xzczd in another issue).

System of equations:
enter image description here

I was able to create such a code (link to pdetoode):

{lb = -20, mb = 0, rb = 20, tmax = 24.3};
func1[x_] = 2/(9*Pi)*Exp[-((x + 10)^2/9) + I*(x + 10)];
With[{u = u1[t, x]}, eq1 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic1 = {u == func1[x], u == 0} /. t -> 0;
  {bcl1, bcm1, 
    bcr1} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb}];

With[{u = u2[t, x]}, eq2 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic2 = {u == 0, u == 0} /. t -> 0;
  {bcl2, bcm2, 
    bcr2} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb}];

With[{u = u3[t, x]}, eq3 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic3 = {u == 0, u == 0} /. t -> 0;
  {bcl3, bcm3, 
    bcr3} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb}];
(*Creating two grids, each corresponds to an edge of the graph
points = 100; {gridl, gridr} = 
 Array[# &, points, #] & /@ {{lb, mb}, {mb, rb}};

difforder = 2;
ptoofunc1 = pdetoode[u1[t, x], t, gridl, difforder];
ptoofunc2 = pdetoode[u2[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];
ptoofunc3 = pdetoode[u3[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];

del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;

ode1 = del@ptoofunc1@eq1;
ode2 = del@ptoofunc2@eq2;
ode3 = del@ptoofunc3@eq3;

odeic1 = ptoofunc1@ic1;
odeic2 = ptoofunc2@ic2;
odeic3 = ptoofunc3@ic3;

odebc1 = ptoofunc1@bcl1;
odebc2 = ptoofunc2@bcr2;
odebc3 = ptoofunc3@bcr3;

odebcm1 = ptoofunc1@bcm1 == ptoofunc2@bcm2;
odebcm2 = ptoofunc1@bcm1 == ptoofunc3@bcm3;
odebcm3 = ptoofunc2@bcm2 == ptoofunc3@bcm3;

odebc = {odebcm1, odebcm2, odebcm3, 
   With[{sf = 1}, 
    Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, {odebc1, odebc2, odebc3}, {2}]]};
sollst = NDSolveValue[{ode1, ode2, ode3, odeic1, Rest@odeic2, 
     Rest@odeic3, odebc}, {u1 /@ gridl, u2 /@ gridr, u3 /@ gridr}, {t,
      0, tmax}, MaxSteps -> Infinity] // AbsoluteTiming;

But I keep getting error:
enter image description here

I would be grateful for any suggestions considering my problem. thanks for your attention


According to @xzczd suggestion, I’ve tried to correct a few conditions:

  • initial conditions are now just ic1 = u == func1[x] /. t -> 0;, ic2 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;, ic3 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;
  • $psi_{11}(−0)=psi_{12}(+0)=psi_{13}(+0)$ condition is now implemented as odebcmzero = ptoofunc1@bczero1 == ptoofunc2@bczero2 == ptoofunc3@bczero3;
  • only odebcm1 now present in NDSolve

The code looks like this:

{lb = -20, mb = 0, rb = 20, tmax = 24.3};
func1[x_] = 2/(9*Pi)*Exp[-((x + 10)^2/9) + I*(x + 10)];
With[{u = u1[t, x]}, eq1 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic1 = u == func1[x] /. t -> 0;
  {bcl1, bcm1, bcr1, 
    bczero1} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];

With[{u = u2[t, x]}, eq2 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic2 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;
  {bcl2, bcm2, bcr2, 
    bczero2} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];

With[{u = u3[t, x]}, eq3 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic3 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;
  {bcl3, bcm3, bcr3, 
    bczero3} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];
(*Creating two grids, each corresponds to an edge of the graph
points = 50; {gridl, gridr} = 
 Array[# &, points, #] & /@ {{lb, mb}, {mb, rb}};

difforder = 2;
ptoofunc1 = pdetoode[u1[t, x], t, gridl, difforder];
ptoofunc2 = pdetoode[u2[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];
ptoofunc3 = pdetoode[u3[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];

del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;

ode1 = del@ptoofunc1@eq1;
ode2 = del@ptoofunc2@eq2;
ode3 = del@ptoofunc3@eq3;

odeic1 = ptoofunc1@ic1;
odeic2 = ptoofunc2@ic2;
odeic3 = ptoofunc3@ic3;

odebc1 = ptoofunc1@bcl1;
odebc2 = ptoofunc2@bcr2;
odebc3 = ptoofunc3@bcr3;

odebcm1 = ptoofunc1@bcm1 == ptoofunc2@bcm2;
(*odebcm2 = ptoofunc1@bcm1==ptoofunc3@bcm3;
odebcm3 = ptoofunc2@bcm2==ptoofunc3@bcm3;*)

odebcmzero = 
  ptoofunc1@bczero1 == ptoofunc2@bczero2 == ptoofunc3@bczero3;

odebc = {odebcm1, odebcmzero, 
   With[{sf = 1}, 
    Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, {odebc1, odebc2, odebc3}, {2}]]};
sollst = NDSolveValue[{ode1, ode2, ode3, odeic1, Rest@odeic2, 
     Rest@odeic3, odebc}, {u1 /@ gridl, u2 /@ gridr, u3 /@ gridr}, {t,
      0, tmax}, MaxSteps -> Infinity] // AbsoluteTiming;

I’m still getting error:
enter image description here

but at least it outputs an interpolating functions, which is kind of progress.

Thanks to @xzczd’s invaluable assistance, I was able to fix existing problems:

  • removed Rest@ for initial conditions
  • aded With[{sf = 1}, Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, odebcmzero, {2}] trick

So, fully-working code with the demonstration looks like this (you also should add pdetoode function at the beginning of the file):

{lb = -20, mb = 0, rb = 20, tmax = 24.3};
func1[x_] = 2/(9*Pi)*Exp[-((x + 10)^2/9) + I*(x + 10)];
With[{u = u1[t, x]}, eq1 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic1 = u == func1[x] /. t -> 0;
  {bcl1, bcm1, bcr1, 
    bczero1} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];

With[{u = u2[t, x]}, eq2 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic2 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;
  {bcl2, bcm2, bcr2, 
    bczero2} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];

With[{u = u3[t, x]}, eq3 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic3 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;
  {bcl3, bcm3, bcr3, 
    bczero3} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];
(*Creating two grids, each corresponds to an edge of the graph
points = 100; {gridl, gridr} = 
 Array[# &, points, #] & /@ {{lb, mb}, {mb, rb}};

difforder = 2;
ptoofunc1 = pdetoode[u1[t, x], t, gridl, difforder];
ptoofunc2 = pdetoode[u2[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];
ptoofunc3 = pdetoode[u3[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];

del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;

ode1 = del@ptoofunc1@eq1;
ode2 = del@ptoofunc2@eq2;
ode3 = del@ptoofunc3@eq3;

odeic1 = ptoofunc1@ic1;
odeic2 = ptoofunc2@ic2;
odeic3 = ptoofunc3@ic3;

odebc1 = ptoofunc1@bcl1;
odebc2 = ptoofunc2@bcr2;
odebc3 = ptoofunc3@bcr3;

odebcm1 = ptoofunc1@bcm1 == ptoofunc2@bcm2;
(*odebcm2 = ptoofunc1@bcm1==ptoofunc3@bcm3;
odebcm3 = ptoofunc2@bcm2==ptoofunc3@bcm3;*)

odebcmzero = 
  ptoofunc1@bczero1 == ptoofunc2@bczero2 == ptoofunc3@bczero3;

odebc = {odebcm1, 
   With[{sf = 1}, Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, {odebcmzero}, {2}]], 
   With[{sf = 1}, 
    Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, {odebc1, odebc2, odebc3}, {2}]]};
sollst = NDSolveValue[{ode1, ode2, ode3, odeic1, odeic2, odeic3, 
     odebc}, {u1 /@ gridl, u2 /@ gridr, u3 /@ gridr}, {t, 0, tmax}, 
    MaxSteps -> Infinity] // AbsoluteTiming;
{soll, solr1, solr2} = 
  MapThread[rebuild, {sollst[[2]], {gridl, gridr, gridr}}];
sol1 = {t, x} [Function] 
   Piecewise[{{soll[t, x], x < mb}}, solr1[t, x]];
sol2 = {t, x} [Function] 
   Piecewise[{{soll[t, x], x < mb}}, solr2[t, x]];
 Plot[Abs[sol1[t, x]]^2, {x, lb, rb}, 
  AxesLabel -> {x, 
    "|[Psi]!(*SuperscriptBox[(|), (2)]), First-second bond 
propagation"}, PlotRange -> All], {{t, 0, "time"}, 0, tmax, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"}]
 Plot[Abs[sol2[t, x]]^2, {x, lb, rb}, 
  AxesLabel -> {x, 
    "|[Psi]!(*SuperscriptBox[(|), (2)]), First-third bond 
propagation"}, PlotRange -> All], {{t, 0, "time"}, 0, tmax, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"}]

One Answer

FINAL SOLUTION Thanks to @xzczd's invaluable assistance, I was able to fix existing problems:

  • removed Rest@ for initial conditions
  • aded With[{sf = 1}, Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, odebcmzero, {2}] trick

So, fully-working code with the demonstration looks like this (you also should add pdetoode function at the beginning of the file):

{lb = -20, mb = 0, rb = 20, tmax = 24.3};
func1[x_] = 2/(9*Pi)*Exp[-((x + 10)^2/9) + I*(x + 10)];
With[{u = u1[t, x]}, eq1 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic1 = u == func1[x] /. t -> 0;
  {bcl1, bcm1, bcr1, 
    bczero1} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];

With[{u = u2[t, x]}, eq2 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic2 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;
  {bcl2, bcm2, bcr2, 
    bczero2} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];

With[{u = u3[t, x]}, eq3 = I D[u, t] + 1/2 D[u, {x, 2}] == 0;
  ic3 = u == 0 /. t -> 0;
  {bcl3, bcm3, bcr3, 
    bczero3} = {u == 0 /. 
     x -> lb, -3 I/2 D[u, x] + D[u, t, x] + 3 I D[u, t] /. x -> mb, 
    u == 0 /. x -> rb, u /. x -> mb}];
(*Creating two grids, each corresponds to an edge of the graph
points = 100; {gridl, gridr} = 
 Array[# &, points, #] & /@ {{lb, mb}, {mb, rb}};

difforder = 2;
ptoofunc1 = pdetoode[u1[t, x], t, gridl, difforder];
ptoofunc2 = pdetoode[u2[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];
ptoofunc3 = pdetoode[u3[t, x], t, gridr, difforder];

del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;

ode1 = del@ptoofunc1@eq1;
ode2 = del@ptoofunc2@eq2;
ode3 = del@ptoofunc3@eq3;

odeic1 = ptoofunc1@ic1;
odeic2 = ptoofunc2@ic2;
odeic3 = ptoofunc3@ic3;

odebc1 = ptoofunc1@bcl1;
odebc2 = ptoofunc2@bcr2;
odebc3 = ptoofunc3@bcr3;

odebcm1 = ptoofunc1@bcm1 == ptoofunc2@bcm2;
(*odebcm2 = ptoofunc1@bcm1==ptoofunc3@bcm3;
odebcm3 = ptoofunc2@bcm2==ptoofunc3@bcm3;*)

odebcmzero = 
  ptoofunc1@bczero1 == ptoofunc2@bczero2 == ptoofunc3@bczero3;

odebc = {odebcm1, 
   With[{sf = 1}, Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, {odebcmzero}, {2}]], 
   With[{sf = 1}, 
    Map[sf # + D[#, t] &, {odebc1, odebc2, odebc3}, {2}]]};
sollst = NDSolveValue[{ode1, ode2, ode3, odeic1, odeic2, odeic3, 
     odebc}, {u1 /@ gridl, u2 /@ gridr, u3 /@ gridr}, {t, 0, tmax}, 
    MaxSteps -> Infinity] // AbsoluteTiming;
{soll, solr1, solr2} = 
  MapThread[rebuild, {sollst[[2]], {gridl, gridr, gridr}}];
sol1 = {t, x} [Function] 
   Piecewise[{{soll[t, x], x < mb}}, solr1[t, x]];
sol2 = {t, x} [Function] 
   Piecewise[{{soll[t, x], x < mb}}, solr2[t, x]];
 Plot[Abs[sol1[t, x]]^2, {x, lb, rb}, 
  AxesLabel -> {x, 
    "|[Psi]!(*SuperscriptBox[(|), (2)]), First-second bond 
propagation"}, PlotRange -> All], {{t, 0, "time"}, 0, tmax, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"}]
 Plot[Abs[sol2[t, x]]^2, {x, lb, rb}, 
  AxesLabel -> {x, 
    "|[Psi]!(*SuperscriptBox[(|), (2)]), First-third bond 
propagation"}, PlotRange -> All], {{t, 0, "time"}, 0, tmax, 
  Appearance -> "Labeled"}]

Correct answer by zanhesl on July 24, 2021

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