Most memorable titles

MathOverflow Asked by Suvrit on November 3, 2021

Given the vast number of new papers / preprints that hit the internet everyday, one factor that may help papers stand out for a broader, though possibly more casual, audience is their title. This view was my motivation for asking this question almost 7 years ago (wow!), and it remains equally true today (those who subscribe to arXiv feeds, MO feeds, etc., may agree).

I was wondering if the MO-users would be willing to share their wisdom with me on what makes the title of a paper memorable for them; or perhaps just cite an example of title they find memorable?

This advice would be very helpful in helping me (and perhaps others) in designing better, more informative titles (not only for papers, but also for example, for MO questions).

One title that I find memorable is:

  • Nineteen dubious ways to compute the exponential of a matrix, by Moler and van Loan.

The response to this question has been quite huge. So, what have I learned from it? A few things at least. Here is my summary of the obvious: Amongst the various “memorable” titles reported, some of the following are true:

  1. A title can be memorable, attractive, or even both (to oversimplify a bit);
  2. A title becomes truly memorable if the accompanying paper had memorable substance
  3. A title can be attractive even without having memorable material.
  4. To reach the broadest audience, attractive titles are good, though mathematicians might sometimes feel irritated by needlessly cute titles
  5. Titles that are bold, are usually short, have an element of surprise, but do not depart too much from the truth seems to be more attractive in general.
    5.101 Mathematical succinctness might appeal to some people—but is perhaps not that memorable for me—so perhaps such titles are attractive, but maybe not memorable.
  6. If you are a bigshot, you can get away with pretty much any title!

122 Answers

Answered by Lukas Heger on November 3, 2021

Mathematical physics, for the allusion: "The Unbearable Beingness of Light, Dressing and Undressing Photons in Black Hole Spacetimes" by Timothy J. Hollowood, Graham M. Shore

Answered by Tom Copeland on November 3, 2021

Answered by Xi Li on November 3, 2021

Using the Logistic Map to Generate Scratching Sounds

The first sentence in the abstract:

This article presents a mathematical model for generating annoying scratching sounds.

Answered by Per Alexandersson on November 3, 2021

Mickley, Smith and Korchak's Fluid flow in packed beds.

(No-one in fluid mechanics seems to be willing to see the innuendo. They all want to explain the effect on the Reynolds number. And they hate it if you snigger when they mention turbulence.)

Answered by tim penttila on November 3, 2021

Kevin Buchin, Maike Buchin, Christian Knauer, Günter Rote, Carola Wenk, How Difficult is it to Walk the Dog?, In: Abstracts of the 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry, Graz, March 2007, pp. 170-173.

"Walking the dog" refers to finding parametrizations $a : left[0,1right]to C$ and $b : left[0,1right]to D$ of two curves $C$ and $D$ such that $max_{tinleft[0,1right]} left|left|aleft(tright) - bleft(tright)right|right|$ is as small as possible -- or at least smaller than a given cutoff value. The metaphor is a person walking along curve $C$ while keeping a dog on a leash walking along curve $D$. The famous "simultaneous mountain climbers" puzzle has a cameo.

Answered by darij grinberg on November 3, 2021

My personal favorite is Elisabetta A. Matsumoto's:

"The Taming of the Screw: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Elliptic Functions"

which can be found here. It is a very good read, and the title extremely seamlessly references both Shakespeare and Dr.Strangelove; two of my favorites.

Answered by Milo Moses on November 3, 2021

The book of Serge Lang: $mathrm{SL}_2(Bbb R)$.

Lang, Serge, $mathrm{SL}_2(Bbb R)$, Reading, Mass. etc.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. XVI, 428 p. $19.50 (1975). ZBL0311.22001.

Answered by C.F.G on November 3, 2021

Gaetano Fichera's "Avere una memoria tenace crea gravi problemi" [Having a persistent memory creates serious problems], (Italian), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 70, 101-112 (1979), MR1553577, Zbl 0425.73002.

The title is a pun to introduce the Author's analysis of time dependent kernels in continuum mechanics: he shows that, while Volterra type kernels (i.e. kernels which are zero before a fixed time $t$ in the past) can be used in the integrodifferential equations of elasticity without affecting existence and uniqueness results involved, the use of general kernels make these results strongly dependent of the topology of the function space on which the problem is posed. The pun is also explained with an analogy at the end of the paper.

Answered by Daniele Tampieri on November 3, 2021

The Chekanov torus in S2×S2 is not real. Quite a philosophical title and I could never forget about it...

Answered by Shaoyun Bai on November 3, 2021

How often should you beat your kids?, by Don Zagier. The conclusion is that you should beat your kids every day except Sunday!

The word "beat" in this context means to defeat your child in a certain card guessing game, which the paper shows that you will win with asymptotic probability $frac12+frac1{2sqrt{2}}approxfrac{6}7$, hence six days out of seven.

Despite the intentionally shocking title, the paper is quite a good read!

Answered by Mike Earnest on November 3, 2021

At some point in time the Erdős collaboration graph did not contain an (induced) $K_5$, but it did contain a $K_5$ with one edge missing. Someone showed me a paper with a title something like "The Erdős graph contains a $K_5$," written by the two authors that formed the missing edge. The rest of the paper was blank, since the names of the authors were sufficient to prove the statement of the title. Not really a memorable title per se, but it becomes quite memorable when the authors are included. I couldn't find any mention of this paper on the web, however.

Answered by Richard Stanley on November 3, 2021

However the question is about papers but it is worth mentioning the title of Ketonen's PhD thesis: "Everything You Wanted to Know About Ultrafilters But Were Afraid to Ask" !

Answered by Rahman. M on November 3, 2021

Andrew Ranicki and the late John Roe were writing

Surgery for Amateurs

A spectacularly funny title, I think.

The incomplete, but very nice, notes can be found online. Thanks again to Nigel Higson for his lovely talk remembering John Roe in the UK Virtual Operator Algebras Seminar.

Answered by Jon Bannon on November 3, 2021

Answered by Mare on November 3, 2021

You can find in Serre's Œuvres (volume IV) an article titled $Delta = b^2 - 4ac$. (Wayback Machine)

Answered by Maxime Bourrigan on November 3, 2021

"The 40 billionth binary digit of pi is 1", D. Bailey and P. Borwein.

Answered by Andrew T. Barker on November 3, 2021

"A short tale of hybrid mice", by Grigor Sargsyan.

Answered by Quinn Culver on November 3, 2021

I've always enjoyed the poetry of the title:

"Period three implies chaos" -- T.-Y. Li & J. A. Yorke

Answered by Brendan Foreman on November 3, 2021

Larry Bates, "You can't get there from here", Differential Geometry and its Applications 8.3 (1998): 273-274

Answered by agtortorella on November 3, 2021

Kindergarten Quantum Mechanics” by Bob Coecke / arXiv:quant-ph/0510032v1

Answered by Artem Pelenitsyn on November 3, 2021

The book Why Knot? by Colin Adams.

Answered by Wadim Zudilin on November 3, 2021

The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis. Alan Turing.

A math paper use chemical principles explaining biological phenomenon.

Answered by Peter Wu on November 3, 2021

One of my favorite titles from control theory is a 1978 paper by John Doyle entitled "Guaranteed Margins for LQG Regulators." It is memorable because of the abstract "There are none." The paper shows that optimal controls may be fragile; the 3-word abstract says it all.

Answered by Pait on November 3, 2021

Speaking of Milnor and such things, have we already done [Edit: Kervaire-Milnor's] "Groups of Homotopy Spheres"?

Answered by Tom Goodwillie on November 3, 2021

On manifolds homeomorphic to the 7-sphere

In which Milnor proves there is more than one.

Answered by Jeremy Kahn on November 3, 2021

Here are a few that jump to my mind.

Young person's guide to canonical singularities by Miles Reid, 1985.

Twenty-five years of 3-folds—an old person's view by Miles Reid, 2000.

Tendencious survey of 3-folds, by Miles Reid, 1985 (same book, Bowdoin -- Algebraic Geometry, as the first one).

On the ubiquity of Gorenstein rings by Hyman Bass, 1963. This also seems to be the first paper with the word ubiquity in the title (via a mathscinet search).

Another one that jumps to my mind is the various Pathologies papers of Mumford.

Answered by Karl Schwede on November 3, 2021

You'd think that with John H. Conway around, this should be like shooting fish in a barrel. One title that comes to mind is

  • The Sensual (Quadratic) Form

and there are more goodies if you look at his bibliography. For example,

  • Character Calisthenics


  • The $sqrt{text{Monster}}$ Construction

I also like the paper (both the title and the contents!) by Andreas Blass,

Answered by Todd Trimble on November 3, 2021

There was the fuss about The Yellow Cake, a joint paper of Saharon Shelah and Andrzej Roslanowski. (Wayback Machine)

They also co-authored several other funnily titled papers, amongst them are such names as:

Answered by Asaf Karagila on November 3, 2021

From the top of my head comes the papers

But also, Cox & Zucker, who in Intersection numbers of sections of elliptic surfaces creates the algorithm later named the Cox-Zucker machine

Answered by Pål GD on November 3, 2021

I'm a big fan of "Excluding a Forest": technically precise, to the point, but just mysterious enough to grab the attention. I've said before that it ought to be the name of a band. ("Taming a vortex" is also good.)

Answered by Harrison Brown on November 3, 2021

The weird and wonderful chemistry of audioactive decay, by John Conway.

Answered by Abhinav Kumar on November 3, 2021

Larry Bates, Monodromy in the champagne bottle.

Answered by agtortorella on November 3, 2021

[Smale, Stephen. The story of the higher-dimensional Poincaré conjecture (what actually happened on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro). A joint AMS-MAA invited address presented in Phoenix, Arizona, January 1989. AMS-MAA Joint Lecture Series. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1989. 1 videocassette (NTSC; 1/2 inch; VHS) (60 min.); sd., col. MR1057609 (91g:01035)]

It's a video, but it's Smale, so...

Answered by Mariano Suárez-Álvarez on November 3, 2021

Another one: MR1274760 (95d:30040) Carleson, Lennart(S-RIT); Jones, Peter W.(1-YALE); Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe(F-PARIS11) Julia and John. (English summary) Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. (N.S.) 25 (1994), no. 1, 1–30.

The preprint wad even more memorable title: In Carleson and Gamelin's book on complex dynamics it was referred to as: When is Julia John?

Answered by Margaret Friedland on November 3, 2021

Most colorful:

MR1371379 (97g:60105) Chung, Kai Lai: Green, Brown, and probability. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 1995. xiv+106 pp. ISBN: 981-02-2453-2; 981-02-2533-4

The book discusses connection between potential theory (in particular Green's function for Laplace equation) and probability (in particular Brownian motions).

Answered by Margaret Friedland on November 3, 2021

I like the second part of:

Breuil, Christophe; Conrad, Brian; Diamond, Fred; Taylor, Richard "On the modularity of elliptic curves over $mathbf{Q}$: wild 3-adic exercises."

MR1839918 (2002d:11058)

They prove the remaining cases of the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture: "every elliptic curve is modular".

Answered by Leo Alonso on November 3, 2021

A mathematical theory of the guillotine, by Plero Villaggio, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (1990) Vol. 110, pp 93-101.

Answered by Denis Serre on November 3, 2021

De Weger and Pinter wrote this paper entitled:

$$210 = 14 times 15 = 5 times 6 times 7 = binom{21}{2} = binom{10}{4}$$

Answered by James Weigandt on November 3, 2021

A Tale of Two Sieves by Carl Pomerance

Answered by user1073 on November 3, 2021

My memory is marked by the titles of two papers by Branko Grünbaum:

  1. Branko Grünbaum. `Are your polyhedra the same as my polyhedra?' Discrete and comput. Geom.: the Goodman-Pollack Festschrift, ed. B. Aronov et al, Springer (2003), pp. 461-488.

  2. Branko Grünbaum. `The Bilinski Dodecahedron and Assorted Parallelohedra, Zonohedra, Monohedra, Isozonohedra, and Otherhedra'. The Mathematical Intelligencer (2010). DOI: 10.1007/s00283-010-9138-7.

The first title is easy for me to recall whenever I need to refer to the paper. The second title sounds fancy (though the article itself is not) and, more importantly, is unpronounceable by me, therefore I have put some stretch of mental effort into memorising it.

As to the original question---What makes the title of a paper memorable?---, personally, when I look for things to read, my attention tends to be captured by titles that are short and sweet, for instance, Jean-Pierre Serre's Trees, Ken Brown's Buildings. These monographs/papers usually turn out to be the authorative treaties of the topics, with material unforgettable for one working in the field.

Answered by Linda Polytope on November 3, 2021

"A survey of finite differences of opinion on numerical muddling of the incomprehensible defective confusion equation" by B.P. Leonard

Answered by Michael Renardy on November 3, 2021

J.-M. FONTAINE Il n'y a pas de variété abélienne sur Z Invent. Math. (1985) 81, 515-538

Answered by monodromy on November 3, 2021

I have always found the book title "Prolegomena to a Middlebrow Arithmetic of Curves of Genus 2" by Cassels and Flynn to be quite memorable.

Answered by Douglas Bowman on November 3, 2021

"I know I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque" by Gady Kozma and Ariel Yadin (

Answered by Marcin Kotowski on November 3, 2021

I hope it is OK to mention "A Disorienting Look at Euler's Theorem on the Axis of a Rotation" even if I am a joint author, particularly if I admit that none of the authors thought up the cute title---it was the editor. (The cute part is the somewhat subtle use of "disorienting", namely we prove Euler's Theorem for orthogonal transformations that are not proper---i.e., don't preserve orientation.) You can download it here:

Answered by Dick Palais on November 3, 2021

There's an algebra book called "Rings and Ideals". I thought of a subtitle: "Marriage during the Revolution".

I remember reading Jacobson's "Basic Algebra I" on the bus on the way to university, and someone noticing it and thinking it was a high-school level text.

Similarly, Serre(?) has a difficult book about number theory, titled simply "Arithmetic".

Answered by none on November 3, 2021

One title I delight in having on my bookshelf is "Introduction to Group Characters" by Walter Ledermann - if you know it's a maths book the title makes complete sense. But a non-mathematician imagines a completely different kind of content.

Answered by Mark Bennet on November 3, 2021

"Fun with $mathbb{F}_{1}$"

Quite a decent pun, I think.

Answered by Jon Bannon on November 3, 2021

Answered by Andrew D. King on November 3, 2021

How to Gamble If You Must by Lester E. Dubins & Leonard J. Savage

Answered by Gerald Edgar on November 3, 2021

Mathematical Fallacies, Flaws and Flimflam was definitely by far the most memorable title I have ever read. Also A Taste of Topology seemed tasty.

But I would also like to stress, that to me, the books that have the most 'classical' and 'general' titles, seem the most appealing. Eg.


Answered by Leo on November 3, 2021

"What is infinity factorial (and why might we care)?"

The only downside is that it isn't actually typed up, but rather is hand-written and scanned, but the result of $infty! = sqrt{2pi}$ is still rather intriguing.

Answered by Gabriel Benamy on November 3, 2021

I just saw the very curious title:

An Operator-Like Description of Love Affairs

by: Fabio Bagarello and Francesco Oliveri SIAM J. Appl. Math. Volume 70, Issue 8, pp. 3235-3251 (2010)

And with the report of this title, I also admit that this title belongs to the category of memorable titles, without first needing to read the paper. The abstract of the paper is also quite curious!

Answered by Suvrit on November 3, 2021

Addictive Number Theory, by Melvyn B. Nathanson.

Answered by Mariano Suárez-Álvarez on November 3, 2021

Not math, but Alpher, Bethe, and Gamow is hard to beat

Answered by Ross Millikan on November 3, 2021

Knobel's wonderful paper on the constant rediscovery of iterated exponentials.

R. Knobel. "Exponentials Reiterated." American Mathematical Monthly 88, (1981), p. 235-252.

Answered by user37691 on November 3, 2021

Street-Fighting Mathematics by Sanjoy Mahajan is about estimation, Fermi calculations, dimensional analysis and so on.

I haven't read it yet, but the title was certainly enough to get me to download it.

Answered by Max on November 3, 2021

Lovasz's "Hit and Run Is Fast and Fun". In that he proved the hit run algorithm on sampling from log concave distributions on a convex set in the Euclidean space has a polynomial mixing time, hence fast.

Answered by John Jiang on November 3, 2021

I always remember the paper entitled "On groups of order one." It turned out the title referred to groups defined by generators and relations, so the problem was to determine when a set of elements (together with its conjugates) generated a free group. I cannot imagine any mathematician who would not look at this paper to see what it was about.

Answered by roy smith on November 3, 2021

There are some rather obvious aspects to the question that perhaps should be mentioned.

"For a large number of readers, the choice whether they select to read a paper or not is often strongly influenced by the title."

Yes, but it is also strongly influenced by the abstract and introduction.

"I was wondering if the MO-users would be willing to share their wisdom with me on what makes the title of a paper memorable for them; or perhaps just cite an example of title they find memorable?"

Since most answers refereed to the second part, perhaps it is worth answering the first part of the question as well. Perhaps the main thing that makes the title (and paper) memorable is the content of the paper.

"This advice would be very helpful in helping me (and perhaps others) in designing better, more informative titles (not only for papers, but also for example, for MO questions)."

Overall, the reaction in the mathematics community to catchy titles, personal descriptions, jokes of various kind, and various other things that can be seen as PR-related or "salesmanship" are mixed. So while it is always good to have a clear title having an overly catchy title can also backfire.

Answered by Gil Kalai on November 3, 2021

I really like humor in scientific texts, specially in titles. One of my favorite authors is Donald E. Knuth. A title like The sandwich theorem makes me curious about its content. The Art of Computer Programming is also a nice title.

Answered by Lamine on November 3, 2021

Mark Van Raamsdonk's Princeton PhD thesis in string theory was called "Making the most out of zero branes and a weak background". Priceless.

Answered by Jim Bryan on November 3, 2021

Answered by Maxime Bourrigan on November 3, 2021

Ben Andrews' : "Gauss curvature flow: the fate of the rolling stones"

Answered by Richard Wentworth on November 3, 2021

Answered by Neil Strickland on November 3, 2021

Theorems for free! by Philip Wadler

From the abstract: ... This provides a free source of useful theorems, courtesy of Reynolds' abstraction theorem for the polymorphic lambda calculus.

Answered by Peter Arndt on November 3, 2021

Paul Halmos' Applied Mathematics is Bad Mathematics is certainly a memorable title, notwithstanding the wrong-headedness of what at least superficially appears to be its thesis.

Answered by Michael Hardy on November 3, 2021

Some nice titles from B.A. Kupersmidt:

Answered by mathphysicist on November 3, 2021

Answered by Steven Landsburg on November 3, 2021

I'm quite surprised that no one has mentioned The Joy of Sets by Keith Devlin.

Answered by Peter Humphries on November 3, 2021

I don't think $textbf{L'endoscopie tordue n'est pas si tordue}$ (Twisted endoscopy is not so twisted) de J.-L. Waldspurger has been mentioned yet.

Answered by Olivier on November 3, 2021

My Ph.D. thesis is titled Why Logical Probabilists Need Real Numbers. (But I haven't published any paper with that title.)

Answered by Michael Hardy on November 3, 2021

Answered by Michael Hardy on November 3, 2021

Would a book titled Calculus Made Honest get me burned at the stake for heresy?

Or would it merely confuse mathematicians who don't understand what is in need of being made honest in that topic?

Later edit: This question illustrates nicely the emotional nature of the anonymous voting system. Robin Chapman commented: "So, it isn't an actual title, and so this reply is not an answer to the original question."

That proves that he never read the original question and didn't know what it said. Probably he drew an inference about its content from the many answers. Then people rushed in with "down" votes. I invite anyone who has doubts about this to read the original question by Suvrit, and I invite Robin Chapman to read it for the first time.

[Original answer by Michael Hardy.]

Answered by Michael Hardy on November 3, 2021

The following is not quite as arresting as the other titles listed, but Stallings has a paper in Inventiones entitled "The topology of finite graphs". It's a pretty gutsy title, but what's even more impressive is that it is a fairly good description of what the paper contains (namely, a totally new approach to studying questions about subgroups of free groups using finite graphs; this is totally different from the classical approach using covering spaces of graphs)!

Answered by Andy Putman on November 3, 2021

Fractured Fractals And Broken Dreams. Self-similar Geometry through Metric and Measure. Guy David, Stephen Semmes.

This is the most unusual title of a book which I have ever come across. I discovered this while randomly browsing through books in the library and got hooked. I was an undergraduate then and it had a strange attraction to me, even though I could not figure out anything that was written in it then.

I was not the only one!

Our university used to put out a list of courses (in the good old days) which were going to be offered and students would choose from it. Some of us managed to add the name of this book against the fractal geometry course as a course material. A record number of students enlisted.

Within a week a record number of them wanted to opt out. So there were inquiries: it turned out most of the students cited that they found the title of the book mentioned in the course material attractive which prompted them to enlist.

(We had found in the previous year that the instructor did not care about teaching, insist on taking class at 8 in the morning and would religiously take attendance for 10 minutes, by the end of the class half the class would be snoring. The assignments were to be submitted on A4 paper, we were supposed to write on one side with appropriate margin.

It was a case of a pun / warning which had gone horribly wrong. )

Answered by Vagabond on November 3, 2021

Here is a list of papers in Theoretical Computer Science with cute titles. Some that I like from the list (aside from "Mick gets some" which is good enough to deserve its own answer anyway).

  • A Smaller Sleeping Bag for a Baby Snake
  • The Art of Pointless Thinking: a Student's Guide to the Category of Locales
  • Scott is not always sober

Also: Mangoes and Blueberries.

And in a similar vein, a quote from "Quotients homophone des groupes libres - Homophonic quotients of free groups," that appears on the first linked page page: "Ah, la recherche! Du temps perdu."

Answered by Louigi Addario-Berry on November 3, 2021

Approximately counting up to four, by Luby and Vigoda.

Answered by slimton on November 3, 2021

A Group of Order 8,315,553,613,086,720,000 by J H Conway, Bull. London Math. Soc. (1969) 1 (1): 79-88,

Maybe it's cheating to call this memorable - I remembered there was a Conway paper with a title of this type, but I certainly don't claim to have remembered the exact title!

Answered by Gerry Myerson on November 3, 2021

Answered by Alon Amit on November 3, 2021

And in the graph theory corner we have the famous Harary/Read paper "Is the null-graph a pointless concept?"

Answered by Gordon Royle on November 3, 2021

Ideals and reality

projective modules and number of generators of ideals

By Friedrich Ischebeck and Ravi A. Rao

Answered by Idoneal on November 3, 2021

The paper Division by three by Peter G. Doyle and John Horton Conway

Answered by N C on November 3, 2021

I always like the title "Homology flows, cohomology cuts" by Chambers, Erickson and Nayyeri, which makes analog (a general technique indeed) to the well-known theorem (for graph theorists) "Maximum flows, minimum cuts".

Answered by Hsien-Chih Chang 張顯之 on November 3, 2021

The missing axiom of matroid theory is lost forever

A emotional variation on absolute negative results.
Refs : Vámos, Peter (1978), "The missing axiom of matroid theory is lost forever", Journal of the London Mathematical Society, II. Ser. 18: AT :

Answered by Jérôme JEAN-CHARLES on November 3, 2021

John Stallings' "How not to prove the Poincare Conjecture" is lovely.

Answered by James on November 3, 2021

  • Andrew Stacey and Sarah Whitehouse, The hunting of the Hopf ring, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Vol. 11 (2009), No. 2, pp.75-132. doi:10.4310/HHA.2009.v11.n2.a6, arXiv:0711.3722

referencing this poem. Much more memorable than the related works by the same authors:

  • Andrew Stacey and Sarah Whitehouse, Tall-Wraith monoids, arXiv:1102.3549

  • Andrew Stacey and Sarah Whitehouse, Stable and unstable operations in mod $p$ cohomology theories, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 8(2) (2008), 1059–1091, doi:10.2140/agt.2008.8.1059, arXiv:math/0605471

Answered by David Roberts on November 3, 2021

I can't believe no one's mentioned this:

Some title containing the words "homotopy" and "symplectic", e.g. this one
Pavol Ševera

Answered by David Roberts on November 3, 2021

Great Expectations: The Theory of Optimal Stopping,
Yuan Shih Chow, Herbert Ellis Robbins, David Siegmund
Houghton Mifflin, 1971

Answered by Gerald Edgar on November 3, 2021

Very late addition (August '13) J. J. Sylvester, Thoughts on inverse orthogonal matrices, simultaneous sign-successions and tesselated pavements in two or more colors, with applications to Newton rule, Ornamental tile-work, and the theory of numbers. Phil Mag 34 (1867), 461-475.

This title is unbeatable!

Late addition (March, '13): Long and Wigderson's " How discreet is the discrete log?."

Gale and Shapley's "College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage, " was a great title to a great paper. (link JSTOR)

"Moments in mathematics" Papers from the American Mathematical Society annual meeting held in San Antonio, Tex., January 20–22, 1987. Edited by Henry J. Landau. (Link: Google book)

This is about "moments" in the technical sense but the double meaning of the title is very cute. (There is also a book entitled "great moments in mathematics" with the ordinary meaning of moments.)

About 1-2 decades ago Sylvain Cappell and Shmuel Weinberger planned writing a book called "A piece of the action" about group actions. This is a memorable title but I think the book was not completed.

One obvious: Aigner and Ziegler's Proofs from the book. (Link: WikipediA)

Joel Spencer's title "Six standard deviations suffice." is also memorable. (Link: JSTOR)

Jack Edmonds',(1965) "Paths, Trees and Flowers". (Link: ps file.)

For some reasons I found the title "Defect Sauer results" of a paper by Bollobas and Radcliffe memorable. (Link)

Branko Grunbaum has a paper entiled "The importance of being straight" (I could not find a link), and Irit Dinur and Shmuel Safra have a paper entitled "On the importance of being biased". (A link to a later version with a different title.) (There is a paper by A. Dillof published in Michigan Law Review with very similar name.)

Jorg Wills had a memorable title "decomposable skeleta" for a paper he sent for the 100th birthday of a well known mathematician. But I think at the end he changed the title.

Saharon Shelah has several memorable titles like this one: "On what I do not understand (and have something to say). I" .Although, I forgot the most memorable one.

Answered by Gil Kalai on November 3, 2021

Integrity of ghosts, by Gert Almkvist. Gert Almkvist's generalization of a mistake by Bourbaki, by Doron Zeilberger. (And a few more by the same author.) The Point of Pointless Topology, by Peter Johnstone. The absolute classic: Go To Statement Considered Harmful, by Edsger Dijkstra.

Answered by darij grinberg on November 3, 2021

Answered by alex on November 3, 2021


It's a paper showing that two methods of defining Sobolev spaces, one which uses H's with subscripts and superscripts and one that uses W's, give rise to the same spaces.

Thanks to Willie Wong for the following:

Citation information

  author = {Meyers, Norman G. and Serrin, James},
  title = {{H = W}},
  journal = {Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA},
  year = {1964},
  volume = {51},
  pages = {1055-1056},
  number = {6},
  file = {MeySer1964.pdf:MeySer1964.pdf:PDF},
  owner = {ww278},
  timestamp = {2010.05.03},
  url = {}

Answered by John D. Cook on November 3, 2021

The book Free rings and their relations by P.M. Cohn.

Answered by Jonas Meyer on November 3, 2021

"On $O_n$" by D.E. Evans. ($mathcal{O_n}$ is notation Cuntz gave for the algebras he introduced in "Simple $C^*$-algebras generated by isometries".)

Answered by Jonas Meyer on November 3, 2021

A Midsummer Knot's Dream, by Allison Henrich, Noël MacNaughton, Sneha Narayan, Oliver Pechenik, Robert Silversmith, Jennifer Townsend

It is quite funny to read

Answered by Michele Triestino on November 3, 2021

My favourite : "My Graph", by H.S.M. Coxeter.

Answered by James on November 3, 2021

I'll echo other comments that the question is wrong-headed, but I think it still serves a purpose.

Comment l'hypothese de Riemann ne fut pas prouvee (How the Riemann hypothesis was not proved), by P Cartier, Seminar on Number Theory, Paris 1980-81, Progr. Math., 22, Boston, MA: Birkhauser Boston, pp. 35-48, MR693308

Answered by Gerry Myerson on November 3, 2021

Given the atmosphere of terror and fear in recent years, I did a double take when I first glanced at Bruce Berndt's paper "Ramanujan's association with radicals in India".

Answered by SandeepJ on November 3, 2021

Answered by Robin Kothari on November 3, 2021

Simmons, F. W., When Homogeneous Continua Are Hausdorff Circles (or Yes, We Hausdorff Bananas), Continua, Decompositions, and Manifolds, University of Texas Press (1980) pp. 62-73. I think it's a reference to this song.

Answered by Qiaochu Yuan on November 3, 2021

Noone beats Mick gets some (the odds are on his side) by V. Chvatal and B. Reed. It is an article about the satisfiability problem, and the title is of course referring to this song. I havn't read the article, and the only reason I know the it is its title.

Answered by Sune Jakobsen on November 3, 2021

Answered by Will Jagy on November 3, 2021

Answered by Vít Tuček on November 3, 2021

I like Cliff Taubes's simple titles: "Gr -> SW", "SW -> Gr", and "SW = Gr". (Okay, they each also have a subtitle, but the first part is enough to tell the reader exactly what the paper is about.)

Answered by Spiro Karigiannis on November 3, 2021

Marginalia to a theorem of Silver (see also this link) by Keith I. Devlin and R. B. Jensen, 1975. A humble title and yet, undoubtedly, one of the most important papers of all time in set theory.

Answered by Andrés E. Caicedo on November 3, 2021

Answered by Mariano Suárez-Álvarez on November 3, 2021

I find it dubious that anyone here will get better at choosing titles for their papers by reading these examples.

Nevertheless, I like the title "The homotopy category is a homotopy category" by Arne Strøm. I also like the very apt title "$overline{mathcal{M}}_{22}$ is of general type" by Gavril Farkas. The paper starts like this:

The aim of this paper is to prove the following result:

Theorem: The moduli space of curves of genus 22 is of general type.

Answered by Dan Petersen on November 3, 2021

The flattering lie You Could Have Invented Spectral Sequences by Timothy Y. Chow.

Answered by Georges Elencwajg on November 3, 2021

Answered by user6096 on November 3, 2021

Al Capone and the Death Ray by R. C. Lyness

Answered by Ira Gessel on November 3, 2021

Finding composite order ordinary elliptic curves using the Cocks-Pinch method, by D. Boneh, K. Rubin and A. Silverberg. (To appear in the Journal of Number Theory.)

Answered by Pete L. Clark on November 3, 2021

An application of Poincaré's recurrence theorem to academic administration by Kenneth Meyer is a title that is hard to resist looking into.

Answered by Boris Bukh on November 3, 2021

Answered by José Figueroa-O'Farrill on November 3, 2021

"Footnote To a Note of Davenport and Heilbronn" by J. W. S. Cassels.

Answered by Micah Milinovich on November 3, 2021

Answered by Harry Gindi on November 3, 2021

Answered by VladAr on November 3, 2021

Answered by David E Speyer on November 3, 2021

OK, fine... I'll confess I could not resist downloading from the arxiv the paper Act globally, compute locally: group actions, fixed points, and localization. I don't know if it quite fits the question though, since I never read it (beyond the first couple of pages). It's just way too far outside of my main interests.

Answered by Thierry Zell on November 3, 2021

The AKS paper PRIMES is in P is a pretty memorable title for me.

Answered by J. M. isn't a mathematician on November 3, 2021

One that comes immediately to mind is Can one hear the shape of a drum?

Answered by Andrea Ferretti on November 3, 2021

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